Getting Here

From the Queen Charlotte Track

Mistletoe Bay is located 12.5km along the Queen Charlotte Track from Anakiwa (4 hour walk), track passes are required for this section of the track. 

For more information visit QCTrack - the Official Queen Charlotte Track


The road is open to Mistletoe Eco Village - Turn off Kenepuru Road onto Onahau Road and follow the signs

Water Taxi from Picton

Mistletoe Bay is a short water taxi from Picton through the beautiful Totoranui (Queen Charlotte Sound). You can book your water taxi with one of the following providers:

Cougar Line 
Phone: 0800 50 40 90 (NZ only) or +64 3 573 7925

Beach Comber Cruises
Phone: +64 3 573 6175

Picton Water Taxis
Phone: +64 3 573 7853

Private boat

Mistletoe Bay is a very sheltered anchorage, we ask that guests refrain from tying up to our Jetty so it can remain clear for water taxis.

Please contact our staff if you require a tender pick up and drop off to your boat 021 131 8283.

Mistletoe Bay Eco Village, a place for everyone to enjoy!

Mistletoe Bay Eco Village Accommodation
Stay with us

Sleep well in cabins, cottage, shared accommodation or camp, there’s a special place to suit everyone.

Mistletoe Bay Eco Village Events
Celebrate Events

A scenic, relaxed location with access to adventurous outdoor activities, is perfect for your next event.

Mistletoe Bay Eco Village Activities
Scenic Sounds

Immerse yourself in all that the beautiful Marlborough Sounds has to offer.

Mistletoe Bay Eco Village School Camps
Schools get involved

A unique educational experience and wide range of outdoor activities in nature’s classroom.

Platinum Sponsor

Mistletoe Bay appreciates the generous support.

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